Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Prime minister Oli not to address the Nepalese

KATHMANDU, NOV 10 - The program scheduled for the Prime Minister KP Sharma Oli to address the citizens today has been postponed.

According to the press coordinator Pramod Dahal of Prime Minister, the program scheduled for today to address the nation has been adjourned for near future or may be after Tihar.

After the promulgation of new constitution the new government of Prime Minister Oli completed a month. Which consists of 32 ministers of cabinet including himself.

The program is said to have extended after the India did not show intention to stop ongoing unofficial economic blockade. The event was scheduled for Sunday after the India gestured to stop blockade and the Oli had scheduled to address the nation with the programs and policies of his government.

According to the source the Prime Minister Oli will address the nation only after the termination of India's unofficial blockade.

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